Treatment Alternatives To Weight Loss Management

If you’re not a good candidate for weight loss management treatment, don’t lose hope. We offer a number of alternatives at Lakefront Wellness and we can guide you through hormone therapy.

Hormone Therapy

At Lakefront Wellness, we also offer several hormone therapy options for both men and women. Hormone fluctuations and imbalances can affect every part of your health, including your weight.

Hormone replacement therapy can also be used to address several health concerns, including medical problems related to your energy levels, sexual health, sleep, and mood.

We offer a number of hormone replacement therapy options including:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Testosterone replacement therapy comes in a variety of forms and is often used to boost libido, improve mental health, and restore healthy functioning.

Osteoporosis Treatment

We also use hormone treatments, along with vitamin supplements and certain lifestyle changes, to improve symptoms of bone loss.

Schedule A Consultation Today

While weight loss management treatment may not be right for you, that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck. We have many treatment options at Lakefront Wellness. To find the right customized treatment plan for you, schedule a consultation at our Lakeland, TN office today! Call us at 901-445-8176 or use our online scheduling tool.